La ferrovia Roma nord

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In 1905, Rome possessed an efficient tramway line  extended to south in direction of the Roman Castles. This tramway system was for many aspects a state-of-the-art.  As tell us ing. Vittorio Formimgari and ing.Pietro Muscolino, authors of the interesting publication:  “the tramway in Rome”, it was possible go on tramway rail from Viterbo to Frosinone changing car in Rome. To travel from Tivoli to Velletri, or to go from the Roman Castles to Monte Mario (S. Onofrio). By now of this whole patrimony doesn't remain anything almost anymore, only line survived to this “slaughter” it is the railroad Rome Viterbo called today still: “Rome-north.” With the perspective to use the airport of Viterbo, what third airport in Rome, the possibilities of modernization this line are increasing, getting further more and more the ghost of closing and dismantlement the railroad. I believe that its expansion highly reenters in a profitable and appreciable program. It is true that currently to reach from Viterbo Rome 2 hours and thirty or 2 hours and thirtyseven are needed, if everything is all right. But to have a mean (after the various interventions of modernization on the line) that from Viterbo it will bring you to the center in Rome in a hour and ten it will be a really appreciable thing. The Flaminia, in the morning it is clogged of auto and motorbike, the entrance in the city (Rome) it is a hell, the accidents don't count, all it takes a look to the crosses and the flowers along this artery. It is to end it now, to my notice, in to favor the transport on it rubberizes. It doesn't need to dismantle the patrimony that has been left by the preceding generations. Even today it is reproached the administrators of the passed years the dismantled the tramways of the Castles, the Rome - Fiuggi, the Rome-Tivoli. Often to reach Rome by car effecting a run of seventy kilometers, three hours are needed and over. According to me to favor the collective transport is a duty and an obligation.



This site is devoted Rome to the personnel of the Railroad - Civita Castellana - Viterbo that with sacrifice and devotion, transports every day thousand of passengers, contributing with own job to the development and the comfort of the collectivity.

To pick up news and documentation for the realization of this site, is a delicate operation that asks for appointment and time. To publish a text deprive of errors or mistakes it is unthinkable. Signalings, suggestions or other, will be appreciated. For contacts to address to: "[email protected]"

Thanks for the polite collaboration:

- Dr. Massimo Bianchini, railway Museum Park  of ATAC in Rome (Ostiense)                                                                                                       

- Gianni Proietti, workshop manager in Catalano                                                                                                                                                                 

- Sergio Maestri, former workshop manager of Catalano retired a few years ago (September 2010)                                                                                     

- Engineer Angelo Curci, author of the precious publication: The Train of the Tuscia                                                                                                             

- Caesar Pezzato, driver, syndicalist

- Arch. Gregory Paolucci, Galleries Sant'Oreste

- Francesco Zozi, author of many articles and books, ex President of  Pro Loco Sant'Oreste, Director of editorial "Soratte nostro"

                           President of Centro Studi Soratte